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PLAY Nº 7. Difuntos Correa. Resucitando La Fe En Un Beso Fatal

It's been a long time since I wrote my last words about a record, precisly they were dedicated to Difuntos Correa's first work: Tramposo Amor. At that time I didn't have enough praises for that work, 'cause I enjoyed it, from the begining to the last note and, currently is, one of my favorites ever.

Well, time has gone and Difuntos released their second album to the streets on 2006 while they enjoyed an interesting title: the band who played more in live on 2005; their first work was, also, awarded as one of the best rock albums; and finally, they were already famous and succesfull, in Chile at least.

Obviously, to release a second record under those conditions is, always, a risky bet, because it's inevitable falling into temptation to comparing. And perhaps, we are getting used to this kind of analysis, between both pieces; but actually, I'm going to do exactly that through the next lines.

Let's start [as if I haven't started yet]. I believe that one of the strongest supports this band got is their line of bronzes [Erasmo Menares: bronzes arrangements & trumpet; César Fuentes: trombone; and Joaquín Valdivieso; saxophone], you can be absolutely sure about this by listen to "Tramposo Amor", but I deeply miss their melodies in "Resucitando La Fe Un Beso Fatal". What happened? By hearing it you can feel that the band's power is, basically, seeded on the guitars [Andrés Olivos and Sergio Gómez], it's seems to me like if they bought the guitar distortions a few days before the record, and afterwards they used and abused of them.

Aight den... What about the lyrics? Uhm, ain't easy! this is a personal matter, especially when, as you well know, I really loved the last album ones. I can't say the same thing about this new one, who has more encrypted messages, not only love, loneliness, relationships; now they cover several subjects, in their own style. I don't like it all, but I think these lyrics mean a plus to Difuntos' growth.

Further more, I've heard Resucitando... several times, maybe isn't my favorite album, but beeing honest, there're some remarkable songs: "El Jardín" -is the best of the twelve- is an easy listening ballad, its lyrics are also lovely and contagious; the same sensation that you can feel in "Beso Fatal" (where the album takes its name). "Ud.!", "Dame Un Minuto Más" (good lyrics) and "Siempre Seguimos El Mismo Camino" have got more guitars, showing the new Difuntos' rock way.

Finally is very important to remark three things: 1) the art is very nice, and the booklet has benefits to the buyers (like me); 2) the price is more expensive than the first album; and 3) Mario Mutis produced this work, and, of course, his influence couldn't be hidden; the first single "Mujer Azul" (hear it below), "Beso Fatal", and "Campesino" (Mario plays bass in this songs, and his line remind me "La Vida Mágica Ay Sí!" a little) are enough evidence of his hand.

Difuntos Correa - Resucitando La Fe En Un Beso Fatal

© EMI Music Chile

Mujer Azul (A. Olivos / S. Gómez)
Ud.! (A. Olivos / S. Gómez)
¿Para Qué? (S. Gómez / A. Olivos)
El Jardín (A. Olivos / S. Gómez)
El Precio (S. Gómez / A. Olivos)
A La Vuelta De La Esquina (A. Olivos)
Depressive Love (A. Olivos)
Dame Un Minuto Más (M. Rodríguez)
Campesino (S. Gómez / A. Olivos)
Siempre Seguimos El Mismo Camino (S. Gómez / A. Olivos)
Beso Fatal (A. Olivos)
Mil Veces (S. Gómez / A. Olivos)

Greetings to: Cecy and Pam

"It's been a hard's day night..."


Anónimo dijo…
Nice review!, I only listen the song "mujer azul" and for me was the hymn of summer. I like the excellent rhythm of that song!!

ok cana! I wish you a terrific scout year, and I hope that at the end of year you be a lawyer!


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